Spanish Recipes

Spanish Salmorejo Recipe - This is a famous, Spanish cold tomato soup. It’s a summertime ‘go-to’ in restaurants and households throughout Spain, but particularly in the south of Spain (Andalucia).

It’s made from the best ripe tomatoes, bread, garlic, sherry vinegar, and olive oil.  It’s traditionally topped with Spanish cured ham (Serrano or Iberico) and a chopped boiled egg; as well as fresh bread on a side. You’ll find it’s quite different from a Gazpacho.

Salmorejo vs. Gazpacho

What’s the difference between Salmorejo and Gazpacho? These are both Spanish soups that originated in Andalucia. Both are served cold and the core of both of them are tomatoes, sherry vinegar, garlic, and olive oil. But the difference is actually pretty significant.

Andalucian Gazpacho, it does have different ingredients and a distinct texture and is usually served in glasses to drink (sort of like a juice), rather than served in bowls as a soup. In addition to tomatoes, Gazpacho usually also have onions, green peppers, and cucumbers. Once it’s blended it is strained through a fine sieve to achieve a consistency of a thick juice. You then served it in a glass with an ice cube.

Salmorejo doesn’t have any other veggies, except for tomatoes and garlic. It’s also much thicker, thanks to the inclusion stale bread, however.  Once the soup is blended, it’s then emulsified with extra virgin olive oil for a smooth consistency. And to make it a full meal it is served with some protein (chopped egg and Spanish cured ham).


1 lb tomatoes very ripe, roma, vine-ripened or other good quality if possible

1 clove garlic (small-med)

1 cup cubed bread day-old white eg baguette/country-style, amount without crusts

½ teaspoon sherry vinegar

1 pinch salt

3 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

To serve

1 hard boiled egg

2 slices serrano ham (ideally thicker sliced - or use chorizo)

1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil

Spanish Salmorejo Recipe

Spanish Salmorejo Recipe


Place the tomatoes into hot water for a minute or two. Remove them and let them cool off.


If your blender is not high powered it is recommend peeling the tomatoes first to avoid getting any little bits in the end soup and making it smoother. If your blender is more powerful and you don't tend to get 'bits' left with other things then you can skip peeling.

Once cooled, peel the tomatoes. Remove core and seeds and roughly chop them. Then add to your blender.

Add garlic and blend on high for a few minutes.

Then add the bread and let it soak for 5 minutes in the blended tomato mixture.

Add sherry vinegar, salt, and blend until smooth.

While the motor is running, add olive oil and blend until emulsified.

Chill the soup for at least two hours.

In the meantime, place an egg in a pot with cold water. Bring to a gentle boil and cook for 10 minutes. Once done, place your egg in cold water and let cool off completely.

Chop hard-boiled egg and ham (you can use fresh ham or put it in the toaste for a few minutes to crisp it up).

Serve the soup in bowls, with chopped egg, ham and a side of bread.

FIND LOTS MORE SPANISH RECIPES HERE We offer a terrific selection of Spanish Recipes to help bring a little bit of your holiday in Benidorm home to your dining room.  

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