November Fiesta Benidorm Fancy Dress


Benidorm November Fiesta and Fancy-Dress Day - The famous November Fiesta dates for 2024 - 8th to 13th, Thursday 14th – Europe’s largest fancy dress party

During the Fiesta Week there will be lots more afternoon shows in the New Town, check out the WHATS ON GUIDE for all the information

Benidorm November Fiesta - Fiestas Patronales

Benidorm honours its two patron saints, the Virgen del Sufragio and San Jaime apostle, with the annual "Fiestas Patronales" local fiestas.  The streets are transformed for the entire event with floral decorations, lively musicians, open -air theatres, firework displays and religious parades.

The fiesta dates back to March 1740 when a boat appeared just of the coast of Benidorm dragged in by a violent storm.  The boat was burned to prevent an epidemic, but local boys found an image of the Virgin in the rubble and took her to the local church, later a chapel was built.  This is the story that forms a large part of the November fiesta and each year the story is re-told on Poniente beach on Saturday.

Benidorm November Fiestas always begin on the Friday of the second weekend of November and officially ends the following Wednesday with a spectacular Firework display.

During EVERY fiesta you will see Mascletas listed on the schedules, these are the loud, thunderous firecrackers. They are fired randomly, particularly during the day. They are not for the faint hearted, they are really loud and not designed to see as such as they are not really pretty but are designed to stimulate your body through rhythmic sounds and vibrations.

Benidorm November Fiesta 

November Fiesta Benidorm

*What is a “PEÑA” 

The dictionary defines it as “a group of friends “. That is one of the meanings of the word peña and indeed peñas are (or at least used to be) composed just of groups of friends but they have evolved towards today’s “Cultural and recreational associations”.

50 to 60 years ago a few peñas (groups of friends) begun organising events for the youth in several cities and villages across Spain, because back then most of the festivals were purely religious and they lacked activities to entertain them.

Today peñas (the current cultural associations) vary in size from just a dozen members up to thousands, here in Benidorm there are around 4000 people that are in the various peñas. 

What originally were a few friends playing their own guitars, cooking lunch and sharing time during the festivals, have become organisations that prepare concerts, and are directly involved in the parades etc

What are Correfocs - Translated it means "fire-runs" and they are one of the most striking events in any local festival, during the Correfocs, a group of individuals will dress as devils and light up fireworks which are fixed on devil's pitchforks or strung above the route, they then dance to the sound of a rhythmic drum group, their fireworks are set off among the crowds. The spectators that participate dress to protect themselves against small burns and attempt to get as close as possible to the devils, running with the fire. Other spectators will watch from a "safe" distance.

Benidorm November Fiesta 

MAJOR FIESTAS PROGRAMME 2023 - *This is just a GUIDE as the schedule of events for this year will not be released until just a few weeks beforehand.*

*The Fun-Fair is situated just behind the Bull Ring

Plaza de SS. MM - is just in front of the town hall


18:00 – INAUGURATION OF THE ARTISTIC LIGHTING, on Martínez Alejos Street, by our Senior Queen, Miss Angélica Morenilla Such and our Children's Queen, the girl Daniela Talavera Ventura, together with her Courts of Honor.

19:00 - INAUGURATION of the traditional PORRAT on the Emilio Ortuño road.  INAUGURATION OF THE FAIR GROUND, located next to the bullring, by our Queens of the Major Festivals and their Courts of Honur.

NOTE: Popular Children's Day, with reduced prices to access the different attractions.

19:00 - STREET AND PEÑAS DECORATION COMPETITION, sponsored by th 2023 Patronal Major Festivals Commission and the Association of Penas, the jury will be visiting the participating neighbourhoods, streets and clubs, the winners will be announced at midnight on Saturday during the concert.

FMP STREET AWARDS PEÑAS AWARDS 1st Prize €300 and trophy 1st €300 and trophy 2nd Prize €200 and trophy 2nd €200 and trophy 3rd Prize €100 and trophy 3rd €100 and trophy.

22:00 - PEÑAS ENTRANCE. Parade of the clubs that are part of the Associació de Penyes Verge del Sofratge, along Calle Ruzafa and Martínez Alejos. At the end of the tour, in the official gallery, the Associació de Penyes will impose the bowties on all the flags and banners.


10:00. - HOLY MASS in the Parish Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana in honor of our Excma. Patroness, the Virgin of Suffrage, officiated by the parish priest Don Juan Antonio González Magaña and Don Carlos Daniel Mejías, vicar of the parish, and sung by the La Barqueta Recreational Cultural Association and the Parish Choir, with the assistance of the Queens and their Cortes of Honor, Festival Commission, Standard Bearer and family, Mayorales de Honor, Authorities, Associació de Penyes, and all the neighbors who want to accompany us.

11:45 - OPENING OF DOORS OF THE CHURCH OF SAN JAIME AND SANTA ANA to sing the Joys to the Virgin of Suffrage. 12:00 p.m. - ANGELUS AND GENERAL TURNING OF BELLS, announcing the official beginning of the Patron Saint Festivities 2023 accompanied by an Aerial Bombardment from the Plaza de la Señoría by the prestigious Pirotecnia del Mediterráneo.

12:05 - THE MAJOR PATRON HOLIDAYS 2023 HAVE STARTED! - ENTRY OF MUSIC BANDS, from the Plaza de San Jaime, to tour the main streets of the center of Benidorm, accompanied by the Queens and their Courts of Honour, Authorities, Standard Bearer and family, Mayorales de Honor, Association of Peñas, Commission of Major Patronal Festivals 2023 and neighbours, in which the prestigious bands will participate:

Colla of Xirimiters of the Navy Jalonense Musical Association

Unió Musical de Confrides Aitana

Unión Musical La Primitiva de Castell de Castells.

Associació d’Amics de la Música de Callosa d’en Sarrià

Societat Musical El Verger

Societat Musical La Lira Relleuense.

Unión Musical de La Nucia

Societat Musical la Lira de l’Alfás del Pi

Unión Musical de Polop de La Marina

Societat Musical La Nova de Benidorm

Societat Musical L´illa de Benidorm

Unión Musical de Benidorm

12:00- CONCENTRATION OF BANDS in the Plaza de SS. MM. The Kings of Spain, where each participating group will make their entrance performing different pasodobles to welcome the Festivities. The Queens, Angélica Morenilla Such and Daniela Talavera Ventura, will impose a bowtie on the flags of the different entities.

Once all the bands are gathered in the square, joint interpretation of the Pasodoble “FESTA EN BENIDORM”, pasodoble declared Anthem of the Major Patronal Festivals, under the baton of maestro Don Rafael Domenech Pardo, author of the work.

17:00 - STAGE OF THE FINDING OF OUR PATRON, THE VIRGIN OF SUFRAGE, A FEAST OF TOURIST INTEREST OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY, by the ACR La Barqueta, on Poniente beach. The representation, based on historical facts and following the text by Pere Maria Orts i Bosch, takes us to mid-March 1740 and recalls all the events that occurred then and that began with the meeting by three sailors from Benidorm of a ship that sailed without a crew and adrift and culminated with the proclamation of Our Lady Patroness.

At the end, the SALVOS OF HONOR AND A GRAND AIR BOMBARD will be fired, by the Mediterranean Pyrotechnics announcing the discovery of the image of our patron saint, the Virgin of Suffrage. 

November Fiestas in Benidorm

18:30 - SOLEMN PILGRIMAGE, presided over by the Authorities, the Senior and Children's Queen, Courts of Honor, with the participation of the Standard Bearer, Crier.

Mayorales de Honor, Mayorales and Mayoralas, ACR La Barqueta, Penyes, Festive, Cultural, Social and Religious Entities, Traditional Festivals, Regional Houses and other festive commissions of the city, and the entire Town of Benidorm, with the following itinerary: Parque de Elche, Paseo de la Carretera, Alameda del Alcalde Don Pedro Zaragoza Orts, Calle Mayor, and ending at Plaza de San Jaime. Upon arrival of the Pilgrimage at the doors of the Church of San Jaime and Santa Ana,

OFFERING OF FLOWERS to the Virgin of Suffrage, Patroness and Perpetual Mayor of Benidorm. Next, our Children's Queen, Daniela Talavera Ventura, will recite a verse to our Patroness, written by Vicenta Pérez Bayona, “Cuqui”. Afterwards, the Mayor Queen, Angélica Morenilla Such, will address a few words to the people of Benidorm.

Next, the OFFICIAL PREGION of the Major Patron Saint Festivities of Benidorm 2023, by Ms. María Magdalena Simarro Cantos. The president of the Festival Commission, Vicente Solaz Gimeno, will address a few words to the public, closing the event with the Mayor of Benidorm and Illustrious President of the Alicante Provincial Council, Mr. Antonio Pérez Pérez. Finally, interpretation of the anthems of Benidorm and the Valencian Community and the shooting of a BRANCH OF FIREWORKS from the Plaza de la Señoría by the Mediterranean Pyrotechnics.

23:00 - CONECTA2 ORCHESTRA in the Huerto de Colón.

23:30 - TRIBUTE CONCERT TO MECANO, in the Plaza de SS.MM. the Kings of Spain.

00:15 - From the Plaza de SS. MM. The Kings of Spain will have a CHARANGA, accompanied by the Festival Commission and anyone who wants to join in to tour the streets and rocks of Benidorm.

01:00 – BARN FOOTBALL. Organized by the Peña “I DEMÀ WHAT?” and sponsored by the ASSOCIACIÓ DE PENYES VERGE DEL SOFRATGE, in the Óscar Esplà auditorium. The winners will be in charge of organizing the 2024 Granera football.

Please note that it is prohibited to enter concerts and party events with glass containers.


The day will begin with the waking call at 08:00, followed by a popular chocolate gathering at the SS MM Kings of Spain square at 09:00.

From 11:00, at the SS MM Kings of Spain square, a large children's park.

At 11:30 the mass in honour of the Virgin of Suffrage.

At 12:00, at the SS MM Kings of Spain square, food from the Malaspina restaurant's Foodtruck can be enjoyed.

At 14:00, Mediterráneo pyrotechnics will fire the Mascletà dedicated to the patron saint at Av. Jaime I.

At 17:00, children's theatre "Magic World" in Huerto de Colón.

In the afternoon, starting at 19:30, the Solemn Procession in Honour of the Virgin of Suffrage will begin on C/ Mayor and end in San Jaime square with the lighting of the Virgin of Suffrage's stamp.


23:00 – Singing of the couplets in honour of the Virgin of Suffrage, San Jaime Square

23:30 p.m. – Great Mississippi Orchestra, Huerto de Colón

00:00 – Mojinos Escozios, SS MM Kings of Spain Square

00:30 – Bandeta that will tour the city centre streets

At the end of all the concerts and events of the day, the Correfocs will begin, organised by the "Colla de Dimonis Polopins".

MONDAY - SAINT JAMES´ DAY (offices, banks etc will be closed)

Despertà at 08:00, followed by a popular chocolate in the Plaza SS MM Reyes de España at 09:00.

From 11:00 a.m., in the Plaza de SS MM los Reyes de España, large children's playground.

At 11:30 a.m. the mass in honor of St. James the Apostle.

At 14:00 p.m., the pyrotechnics of the Mediterranean will throw the Mascletà dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint James the Apostle, on Av. Jaime I.

At 16:30 p.m. the II Valencian Pilota Tournament will begin, organized by the Penya Ganduls with the collaboration of the Commission of Patron Saint Major Festivities in C/ Médico Perez Martorell.

In the afternoon, starting at 19:30 p.m., the Solemn Procession will begin in San Jaime Apóstol and will begin and end in the Plaza de San Jaime with the lighting of the stamp of San Jaime.

At 23:30 p.m., there will be a night mascletá by the Pirotecnia del Mediterráneo.


22:00 p.m. – Local band "Locos de Atar", in the Plaza SS MM Los Reyes de España

00:00h- Shakara Orchestra, Huerto de Colón

00:30h – Bombai Concert, in the Plaza SS MM Los Reyes de España


Despertà at 08:00, followed by a popular chocolate in the Plaza SS MM Reyes de España at 09:00.

The mass in honor of the deceased will begin at 10:30 a.m.

From 11:00 a.m., in the Plaza de SS MM los Reyes de España, large children's playground.

At 14:00 p.m., the pyrotechnics of the Mediterranean will throw the Mascletà dedicated to the patron saint of the city, Saint James the Apostle, on Av. Jaime I.

The musical "The Revolution" will be at 17:45 p.m. in the Plaza de SS MM los Reyes de España.

In the afternoon, the Great Parade of Humor will take place, which will begin at 19:00 p.m. and will go through Martínez Alejos, Ruzafa and Venus streets.


23:00 p.m. – Dj's Kalenda and Miss DEEP IN and as main artist, Henry Méndez, Plaza de SS MM los Reyes de España.

WEDNESDAY - Final day of the Spanish Fiestas

Popular chocolate in the Plaza SS MM Reyes de España at 10:00.

At 11:00 a.m. the "Festa de les Festes" will begin, a gathering of all the festive entities that will begin in Plaza Neptuno and will go in parades to the Plaza de SS MM Los Reyes de España, where the Commission will organize a wine of honor as an act of festive brotherhood.

At 13:00 p.m. we will be able to enjoy the children's Macletá and the Traca de Caramelo in the Plaza de SS MM Los Reyes de España.

At 14:00 p.m., the pyrotechnics of the Mediterranean will throw the Mascletà sponsored by the Associació de Penyes Verge del Sufratge, on Av. Jaime I.

At 18:00 p.m.,  MULTICOLOR FLOAT PARADE, from Avda. de Alcoy, to travel along Avda. de Martínez Alejos, Avda. de Ruzafa, C/Venus, C/ Marte, Avda. Festive entities and commissions, regional houses, clubs and social groups, as well as the Mayorales 2023, will participate in the parade.

The finishing touch will be the Queens of the Major Festivals, Angélica Morenilla Such and Daniela Talavera Ventura, along with their Courts of Honor. At the end of the parade of floats, a spectacular culmination of our Patron Saint Festivities, with the firing of a SOUND AND NEW FIREWORKS CASTLE, by Pirotecnia el Mediterráneo, which will illuminate the sky of Benidorm

Please note - NO specific time is given for the firework display but they always start at the end of the parade, which is generally around 21.00 - 21.30ish.

Benidorm November Fiesta

Benidorm November Fiesta


- The Tourist Office/Benidorm Seriously are not responsible for any of the changes or cancellation of events that may happen.

Please note the above has been translated from Spanish to English so some detail may be slightly lost in translation.


Benidorm November Fiesta 

Benidorm Fancy Dress Day is Europe´s Biggest Fancy Dress Party - Fancy Dress Day 14th 2024

This is not officially part of the Spanish Fiestas.  It is however always held the day after the Spanish fiestas finish and is the most popular day celebrated by the British tourists.

This tradition started over 25 years ago when Monolo from Sinatras Cabaret bar offered a free drink to anyone who dressed up on the Thursday to continue the celebrations that bit longer.  This idea took off and has turned into what is now Europe´s biggest fancy dress street party and each year it grows in popularity with between 30,000 - 40,000 people attend this special day, with most making the effort with their fancy dress outfits and anything goes.  It is one of the greatest highlights of the year in Benidorm for many.  

Dates vary – They official Spanish Fiesta always begin on the Friday of the second weekend of November and officially end the following Wednesday with Fancy Dress Day always held on the Thursday.


Benidorm Fancy dress day

Benidorm Fancy dress day - Click here for Photos from previous years Benidorm Fancy Dress Day

THE PARADE times and exact route TBC

The Parade which has extravagant themed floats generally starts from outside Morgan Tavern and Sinatras, the time for the start of this year's parade is expected to be between 14:00 and 16.00, there will be several roads closed to traffic. 

This year's Fancy Dress route is still to be confirmed, below has been previous years route.


During the Fiesta Week and leading up to Benidorm Fancy Dress there will be lots more afternoon shows in the New Town, check out the WHATS ON GUIDE for all the information

Photos from November 17th 2022


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