•   Tracy Ann commented on this post about 3 weeks ago
    The launch dates have been published for this season of subsidised pensioners holidays in Spain. The almost 900,000 places will be offered in two separate waves, the first one opens for bookings from September 23rd to 24th and will offer holidays to the areas of Andalucía, Aragón, Cantabria, Castilla y león, Comunidad Valenciana, Extremadura, Madrid, Melilla and Murcia.

    The second wave opens for bookings on September 25th and 26th, and will offer holidays in the areas of Asturias, Cataluña, Castilla-La Mancha, Ceuta, Galicia, Islas Baleares, Islas Canarias, La Rioja and the País Vasco.

    Prices vary widely depending on destination, but are not much different from last year, being between 120€ and 330€ per holiday.
    Booking can be made at accredited travel agents, making sure you take your "paperwork" to show eligibility, paying 20% at the time of reservation, or on the website ( https://www.turismosocial.com/)
    Comments (1)
    • Requirements to access the Imserso Tourism Program
      In accordance with Order SCB 926/2018, of September 10 , which regulates the Tourism Program ofRequirements to access the Imserso Tourism Program
      In accordance with Order SCB 926/2018, of September 10 , which regulates the Tourism Program of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services, and the Resolution of June 12, 2024 , of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services, which calls for places for seniors who wish to participate in the Imserso Tourism Program for the 2024-2025 season, the following may access the program:

      People residing in Spain who meet any of the following requirements:
      Be a pensioner of the Spanish Social Security system.
      Be a widow's pensioner aged fifty-five or over in the Spanish Social Security system.
      Being a pensioner under other concepts of the Spanish Social Security system or a recipient of unemployment benefits or subsidies, aged 60 or older .
      Be insured or a beneficiary of the Spanish Social Security System, aged sixty-five or over .
      Spaniards residing abroad provided they meet any of the requirements included in section 1.a) . Thus, Spaniards residing in Germany, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland, may process it in the corresponding Departments of Labor, Migration and Social Security.
      Spanish emigrants of origin who have returned to Spain , provided that they are pensioners of the public Social Security systems of the country or countries to which they have emigrated.
      Users may be accompanied by their spouse or, where appropriate, by a common-law partner or person with whom they have formed a stable and cohabiting union with an emotional relationship similar to that of a spouse, without it being necessary for them to meet the age or pension requirements.

      Likewise, they may be accompanied by children with disabilities , with a degree equal to or greater than 45 percent , provided that they travel with their parents and stay in the same room or, where applicable, pay the supplement established for double rooms for single use, which will be subject to availability of places.
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