Busy Bees Charity


Busy Bees Charity 00040
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Charity Number: CV-01-056628-A
This charity group was set up by Wayne (Levi), Des and Tad, Paige (Yorkshire Pride). Busy Bees Benidorm is a registered charity; Charity Number (CV-01-056628-A).
The aim of the group is to raise funds for the children and also some vulnerable women that are being supported within the Emaus homes here in the region.
The charity has been set up to direct funds where they are needed most. The priority for this is making sure the children are fed and nourished, clean and educated. Once this is being achieved we can then begin to look at the living conditions at the home(s). We hope at some point in the near future to bring the home out of the 1970´s, with basic utilities such as running water in all the taps.
We set up this group in principal to support the two local homes in this area, but will also help support any of the other homes in the region if it is needed. Some of the other homes in the region are already funded and supported by other charity groups and we are happy to work alongside these groups, who already do an amazing job, to support everyone's ultimate goal of making sure the children don´t go without.
Once we have the first two homes up to an acceptable standard we can start looking at the rest, (but as they say Rome was not built in a day). We are happy for other charity groups supporting the homes to post their upcoming events within Busy Bees Benidorm, as we feel united we can make a bigger difference.
The charity is totally non-profit making, we also do not take any expenses from the money donated. This means every penny/cent received will be spent directly on the home in question. We will show every donation and receipt we have for total transparency. If you want to send items by post/courier, please private message us for the postal address (This will not be the address of the homes). Please note, due to bank charges we do not accept cheques from anywhere. We will however still be using the Paypal site to receive donations Paypal.me/DesmondBellamy. Once we have received all the paperwork regarding the charity, we will be opening a website.
We are quite happy to answer any questions people may have, so if there is something that you do not understand or something that appears unclear, feel free to ask.
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