
Protecting Your Valuables on the Beach.  You would be surprised how many are affected by crime whilst sunbathing and swimming.  

A trip to the beach  should be something you look forward to. You put on your sunscreen and other protective wear, lay out on the beach, experience the water. But nothing can put a damper on your fun more than being a victim of beach theft. Returning to your beach site to find that some of your belongings have been stolen.  Below are some tips to help you keep your belongs safe.

Spanish Beach Flag Safety System

Beaches in Benidorm 

The best beaches on the Costa Blanca

1.  Leave all valuables such as jewellery and expensive cameras in your hotel safe.

2.  Only take one credit card, your photo copied I.D It is a legal requirement to have some form of photo id on you here in Spain at all times) and the amount of cash you will need for the day.

3.  Try not to leave your belongings unattended on in plain sight on the beach or in your car.  If you leave things in the car put them in boot out of sight.

4.  If you are going to the beach on your own, consider purchasing a waterproof pouch for your phone and case that you can take swimming with you, test it at home first though.

Protecting Your Valuables on the Beach

5.  When you are going for a walk on the beach or a dip in the sea and don´t want to bring everything with you, try this, clean out an empty sunscreen bottle and stow your keys, money and phone inside, just make sure you do not use a see through bottle.

6.  Who said that coolers were only for carrying edibles? Stick your keys, sunglasses, and other valuables in a bag, wrap them up in a small towel to prevent freezing, and place them in your cool box.

7.  If you carry a beach bag or backpack, use one that is understated and does not look designer or expensive.

8.  Please DO NOT use the beach Sellers going round selling drinks and offering massages, they are not all what they seem.  Find out More HERE

9.  Another tip for hiding your belongs, take a clean disposable nappy with you and wrap your things up in that to make it look like a used nappy.

Valuable Diaper

10.  Use common sense and trust your gut instincts, is something does not look or feel right it probably isn't.

If you spot anyone that is acting in a suspicious manor call the police on 112

For a list of emergency numbers click HERE

For lots more advice about keeping both yourself and your possessions safe read this page.

Nudist beaches 

Dog Friendly beaches

Looking for hotels and apartments close to the beaches in Benidorm? Use this Page

All other CRIME information

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