New Airconditioning Rules in Spain

New Airconditioning Rules in Spain - Energy Saving Measures

New Airconditioning Rules in Spain  8th August 2022 - New Energy Saving Measures. Last week the Spanish Government approved energy saving measures which, in some cases, will be in force from midnight Tuesday 9th August until 1st November 2023 and will affect all premises open to the public such as offices, shops, bars, restaurants and public transport systems and transport centres.

These rules are part of Spain's drive to cut its gas use by 7% under a recent European Union deal to reduce their dependency on Russian gas supplies.

With Spain currently experiencing a very hot summer, with temperatures above 40ºc in some areas, many in the tourism sector have criticised these new measures.

The government state that the measures "will not only save energy but will also bring down bills for households and businesses".

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The most important rules are as follows:-

Summer Season

TEMPERATURES: From Wednesday, all businesses using air conditioning systems must ensure that the air temperature is set at a minimum of 27ºc   This may vary slightly depending on the activity and the health and safety regulations in force such as certain  activities in the hospitality sector in which 25ºc is the limit, hairdressers, gyms, laundrettes, schools, playschools amongst others.

Stores will be required to keep their doors shut to maintain temperatures..

New Airconditioning Rules in Spain 

Winter Season

Temperatures will be set at a maximum of 19ºc

Doors and windows to be kept closed when equipment in use.

In both cases the relative air humidity should be kept between 30% and 70%.

Temperature and humidity monitor must be installed in order to ensure compliance.

LIGHTING: All shopfront lighting must be switched off by 22.00.

SIGNS: Signs or screens must be on show at the entrance of the premises or building indicating information on temperature, humidity levels and other measures taken to ensure the reduction in energy usage.

DOORS: All premises that use air con and/ or heating and that have direct access from the street must have a self-closing door mechanism. This must be in place by 1st October.

Hotel Rooms

Tourists can continue to keep their hotel rooms chilled, as they are considered to be "private spaces", but all other public areas will have to abide by new laws.

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