Spanish Recipes

Homemade Cherry Pie Recipe

Homemade Cherry Pie Recipe - This tasty cherry pie is the perfect dessert, or treat yourself and have a slice with a cup of coffee.

Cherries are in season here in Spain from May to September, if fresh cherries are not available you can use canned cherries using the juice instead of sugar, the result is just as delicious.

Ingredients for the pastry

300 g of flour

200 g of butter

24 g of sugar

15 gr of powdered milk

4 g of salt

9 g of dry yeast

150 ml of very cold water

1 egg yolk, beaten

Ingredients for the filling

800 g of fresh cherries

140 g of sugar

3 tablespoons of corn starch

2 tablespoons of brandy


Pit the cherries and leave them to soak overnight with the sugar and brandy.

Mix the flour, salt, sugar, powdered milk and yeast. When it is well mixed, add the butter and water. Be careful not to use too much water. Knead until the dough is elastic.

Make a ball, cover with a cloth and allow the dough to rest for one hour.

Once rested, knead again to remove the air. Remove one third of the dough to make the lattice top.

Using a rolling pin, roll until thin making a circle which is slightly larger than the tin you will be using.

Cover the bottom of your tin with the pastry. Discard any excess dough or save it for the top, allow the base to rest in the fridge while you prepare the strips.

With the rest of the pastry, form another circle larger than the mould, make strips with the help of a pasta cutter. 

Mix the corn starch with the cherries and their juice, and stir well. Once the filling is ready, pour it over the base.

Place the strips of pastry over the filling, crossing the strips with each other to make a lattice pattern. Press the edges with your fingers to form a border and to make the strips stick to the base.

Finally, paint the lattice top with the beaten egg  yolk using a brush.

Bake at 180ºC for 20 minutes in the lower part of the oven.


If you don't have a cherry pitter, use a plastic or metal straw to remove the pits. Wash the cherries, de-stem them, and push the straw through the stem hole until the pit comes out the bottom of the berry.

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