Dowh hill bike ride


Book your DownHill Bike Ride HERE - For members of the "BENIDORM SERIOUSLY" Facebook group get a discount on your booking with code "SERIOUSLY2021".

Discover the real Costa Blanca.

The Down Hill Bike Ride - Explore Spain’s rugged Costa Blanca Mountains while gliding downhill on a bicycle. Hop into your minivan and take a 1-hour journey to the highest mountain of the Costa Blanca - the Aitana Mountain Range. On arrival, pull on your helmet and hit the road! Spin down mountain roads to the villages of Penaguila and Alcoleja, and admire sweeping views over the coast to the Spanish shoreline. In the afternoon, roll into Sella and perhaps enjoy a refreshing drink in the local bar. Then, hop back into the minivan for the journey back to Benidorm.

We're running the bike rides on:

11-September-2024 - Fully booked
13-September-2024 - 8 places left
14-September-2024 - Fully booked
16-September-2024 - Not operating

18-September-2024 - 7 places left
20-September-2024 - Fully booked
21-September-2024 - 10 places left
23-September-2024 - 10 places left

25-September-2024 - 3 places left
27-September-2024 - 10 places left
28-September-2024 - 4 places left

28-September-2024 - Not operating

* For groups > 6 people we're able to run the ride on any date requested.

IMAGINE …. being on a mountain-bike and letting gravity take over as you glide smoothly downhill for 30 kilometers at your own pace in easily manageable sections.

IMAGINE …. just for one day, that you’re leaving the bars, beaches and bustle of the busy coast behind you and being driven more than a mile high through spectacular mountain scenery to the highest point on the Costa Blanca.

IMAGINE …. breathing pure mountain air. The scent of pine, lavender, and orange blossom. The taste of fresh spring-water.

IMAGINE …. a land of discovery with majestic mountains, dramatic gorges, fertile valleys, Moorish castles, quaint villages, abundant wildlife, soaring eagles. YOU MIGHT EVEN SEE A TIGER OR TWO!

IMAGINE …. that reality’s even better when you’re on THE DOWNHILL BIKE RIDE

* For groups > 4 people we're able to run the ride at any date requested.
* Please, send those dates as well to your guides and clients in Calpe. We are able to pick-up from Calpe on Wednesday's for an extra cost of 8 € per person - minimum 2 people per booking. Please, contact us for further information.

Down Hill Bike Ride

Due to the change of our accident insurance company we need at the moment the following information:

* Names of all clients
* Passport / NIE numbers
* Birth dates

If there are any issues with providing the information upon booking due to data protection laws, please, remind your clients that they should bring their passports / IDs on the date of the excursion.

Furthermore, we would like to introduce you to a new feature on the bike ride. We now have a bicycle trailer available for children between 2-7 years. The trailer can carry up to two children and up to 40 kg. Price for the trailer is 20 €. 

Down Hill Bike Ride


You will be picked up at your accommodation about 9.30 am. arriving back at 4.00 pm.

Please wear “Sensible” shoes … not flip-flops or high heels. We provide safety helmets. Any personal belongings can safely be left in the minibus.

We stop frequently to ensure everyone is comfortable and to explain places of interest on the next section of the ride. So you’ll have plenty of opportunities to take photographs.

Bring your own packed lunch or enjoy a delicious soup/stew at the Cannibals Restaurant. We carry fresh spring-water available at any time during the bike ride.

You do not need to be a experienced cyclist to enjoy the down hill bike ride. Many of the guests haven’t ridden a bike for decades.

What if I don't want to do all the ride?
You cycle as much or as little as suits you. You can get back into the support minibus any time you want.

There is NO age limit - but - normally a minimum of about 8 years old, and are at least 4′ 0″ tall.


Due to the increase of fuel prices we have to raise the prices for "The Downhill Bike Ride". Walking prices will stay the same at the moment.

Adult: 39,95€
Adult Calpe: 49,95€ (min. two people)
Child (8-15 years): 25,50€
Child (8-15 years) Calpe: 35,50€
Passenger: 25,50€
Child in trailer: 20€


Pick up at your accommodation in or near to Benidorm around 9.30 am.
A 60 minutes drive to the mountain to the top of Mt. Aitana where you’ll be fitted with a safety helmet, receive a detailed safety talk and be allocated a bike.
Then a bike ride of about 9 kilometers to the village of Penaguila stopping on the way to ensure your comfort. Have a drink of fresh spring water while the bikes are loaded onto the trailer.
Another downhill glide from the highest point of the ride into the village of Alcoleja.
Drive up to the restaurant of the Safari Aitana Park for lunch at approx. 12.45 pm. Lunch is not included into the price.
The afternoon ride leads you past the village of Sella where the Bike Ride ends.
Into the local bar for a beverage to celebrate your achievement and receive your certificate as proof that you’ve ridden 30 kilometers through the Costa Blanca mountains.
To finish, we drive you back to your accommodation arriving at about 4.00 pm.

Pick-Up Times - Downhill bike rides.
 09:00 - 09:30 am (Calpe)
 09:20 - 09:40 am (Albir, Altea)
 09:30 - 09:40 am (Benidorm - Rincon de Loix - Upper)
 09:40 - 09:50 am (Benidorm - Rincon de Loix - Lower)
 09:50 - 10:00 am (Benidorm - Levante / Old Town)
 10:00 - 10:10 am (Benidorm - Poniente / Old Town)
 10:00 - 10:10 am (La Cala)
 10:10 - 10:20 am (Villajoiosa, Orcheta, Finestrat)


NOTE - Only book this trip direct or with Benidorm Seriously, other booking companies such as TripAdvisor add between 2 - 14% onto the original price.


Single booking possible

Price: 40 € per person

Single booking possible
Price: 35 € per person

35 € per person (minimum 2 people)
The price includes guide, transport and water.
Ratio: 1:8
You can chose between the following three:
* "Guadalest Reservoir"
* "Pasarela de Relleu"
* "Ruta de Agua - Sella"

All other walks:
1 Person: 55 € per persoon

2-5 Persons: 40 € per person
> 6 Persons: 35 € per person

The price includes guide, transport, packed lunch, water and walking poles and day pack (if needed).
Ratio: 1:6

You can chose between the following walks:
* "Sierra de Bernia" - moderate
* "Sanchet" - moderate
* "Puig Campana Circuit" - moderate
* "Puig Campana Summit" - strenuous
* "Aitana" - strenuous
* "Sierra Gelada" - strenuous

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